Suisman presents Arc in New York at Columbia and Jewish Community Center

In a series of public presentations, the RAND project and Arc concept receive wider public attention.

“The Arc: A Formal Structure for a Palestinian State” was Doug Suisman’s subject at two speaking engagements in New York, at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) at Columbia University, and at the Jewish Community Center (JCC) of Manhattan.

At the JCC, Suisman spoke in the new facility’s auditorium on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, discussing his personal connection to the conflict, the development of the Arc project with RAND Corporation, and the current status of the project. A question-and-answer period was followed by a reception.

At the GSAPP, from which Suisman graduated in 1981, he addressed an audience of students and faculty from the school, including Dean Mark Wigley, and from related fields in international affairs. A lively discussion followed, with questions and comments from a number of both Palestinian and Israeli students. Also in the audience was Robert Lane, urban design director of the Regional Plan Association in New York, and an early contributor to the Arc project.