Suisman briefs Palestinian Prime Minister Qurei
Represents the RAND Corporation, presents Arc project; PM expresses appreciation for RAND’s efforts and depth of thinking on Palestinians’ behalf.
Representing the RAND Palestine State Study Team, Doug Suisman traveled to Ramallah where he briefed Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei and his senior staff. Qurei signalled the public nature of the meeting by calling in the press for photographs before the briefing began.
After the briefing, Qurei asked a number of questions and said he was very appreciative of the effort that had been made by the RAND team on behalf of a Palestinian state, and the depth of its thinking. He said the project helped the Palestinians open their minds to new ideas. The Prime Minister said his office was organizing an international conference with the World Economic Forum in December in Bethlehem, to meet with major investors in the private sector, and that it would be a good idea for RAND to present the project there.